Link Officer group meetings announced for December

On an annual basis, SCSN staff meet with every member organisation to identify local priorities and gather information to help inform the national agenda. In December 2015, we also undertook Link Officer group meetings across Scotland which, as well as discussing current practice and emerging issues, will provided the opportunity for neighbouring local authorities to share...

Abusive Behaviour and Sexual Harm (Scotland) Act 2016

The Abusive Behaviour and Sexual Harm (Scotland) Act 2016 came into force following Royal Assent on 28 April 2016.  The Act provides guidance on defining abuse and harm and the legal provisions that can be imposed if a defendant is found guilty. For the first time in legislation the Act addresses the issue of psychological harm...

PRESS RELEASE: Fife Water Safety Initiative named People’s Choice Winner 2016!

SAFER COMMUNITIES AWARDS AND PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD WINNERS 2016 FIFE WATER SAFETY INITIATIVE NAMED PEOPLE’S CHOICE WINNER! The Scottish Community Safety Network (SCSN) is delighted to announce that the winner of the People’s Choice Award 2016 is the Fife Water Safety Initiative! The results were announced at the 2016 Safer Communities Awards Ceremony which took...

PRESS RELEASE: Safer Communities Awards 2016 – People’s Choice Voting

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 18TH JULY 2016 SAFER COMMUNITIES AWARDS 2016 – Voting for People’s Choice Awards now open The Scottish Community Safety Network is pleased to announce the Safer Communities Awards 2016.   Early Intervention and Education Water Safety (Fife) This initiative helps young people understand risks around water, the impact of their behaviour and has...

Safer Communities and Lasting Legacies with Network Rail

The partnership between SCSN and Network Rail was initially established to raise awareness of cross cutting themes shared by both organisations, however the partnership has had a wider impact in improving public and staff safety around the rail network. By working in partnership we can evidence success in reducing rail crime and increasing awareness of...

Pilot scheme to tack A&E violence introduced in Glasgow

  A new project intended to tackle violence in A&E departments has been introduced in Glasgow. The Navigators Scheme, funded by Police Scotland’s Violence Reduction Unit has been operating at Glasgow Royal Infirmary since December 2015. The project involves two navigators who work to establish a connection with people who are victims or perpetrators of...

Social media and SCSN

The aim of nearly every organisation, no matter who they are or what industry they are in, is to effectively communicate with their audiences, whilst simultaneously reaching new ones. Social media provides an immediate vehicle for ‘viral’ transmission of information. It allows you to communicate instantly with millions of people and gives each of them...