Improving evidence-use to tackle child poverty in Scotland

How can we use evidence better to support locally-led and joined-up approaches to tackling child poverty in Scotland? In March the Scottish Government published its updated Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan. The document emphasises the importance of effective use of evidence to help tackle child poverty. This is especially true given the declining resources available...

Intersectional Policing

Presenting literature review findings on policing and intersectionality to inform a good practice toolkit for police practitioners. Dr Julie Berg and Emily Mann present their findings from their literature review on policing and intersectionality. This online and interactive workshop will inform a best practice toolkit for police practitioners on police engagement with ‘seldom heard communities’*,...

Webinar – Corrosive Substance Violence

An introductory overview of corrosive substance violence and prevention New legislation, the Offensive Weapons Act 2019, now includes corrosives substances under the definition of an offensive weapon. In light of this change, No Knives, Better Lives have brought together experts to give practitioners an introductory overview of corrosive substance violence and how we can prevent...

Lunchtime Launch – HOME SAFETY MAP

Lunchtime launch of our new HOME SAFETY MAP – a 30 minute micro event Please join us for a 30 minute micro event, to launch our ‘Home Safety Map’, an interactive map of the home, charting household hazards and how to avoid them. The map, which was commissioned and funded by SCSN in collaboration with...


Lunchtime launch of our new Climate Change and Community Safety Zine – a 30 minute micro event Please join us for a 30 minute micro event, to launch our ‘Climate Change and Community Safety Zine’ which looks at how our changing environment might influence our safety. In light of COP26, and the impact of climate...

Universities at the Met – July 2022

Universities at the Met – July 2022 The July 2022 “Universities at the Met” seminar will be held at New Scotland Yard (Ground Floor) at 5pm on the 26th July 2022. The event is expected to conclude at 7pm. The event is open to all. If you would like to attend in person, please ensure...

Universities at the Met – Extra Session – July 2022

Universities at the Met – Extra Session – July 2022 An extra, June 2022 “Universities at the Met” seminar will be held at New Scotland Yard (Ground Floor) at 4.30pm on the 31st May 2022. The event is expected to conclude by 6pm. The event is open to all. If you would like to attend...

Climate Hazards & Resilience in the Workplace Handbook & Workbook launch

Join the STUC, Unison Scotland and Adaptation Scotland for the launch of new resources to help adapt workplaces to climate change impacts Online on Teams (please note that the meeting link will be sent in an email to all attendees before the event) Join Roz Foyer, STUC General Secretary; Lilian Macer, Unison Scotland Convenor, and...

Community Safety and Justice – Joint Working Arrangements Research Launch

The launch of new research by CJS and The SCSN around joint community safety and community justice working arrangements and practices Recent years have seen significant reform, legislation and policy changes that have impacted local community safety (CS) and community justice (CJ) practices in Scotland, in response to which, several local authority areas have commenced...

MWC Scotland: Mental health support in Scotland’s prisons 2021

The event will discuss the findings from the MWC report: ‘Mental health support in Scotland’s prisons 2021: under-served and under-resourced MWC Mental health support in Scotland’s prisons webinar This event will focus on the above report, published in April 2022, highlighting its key findings and recommendations, which aim to instigate positive change as a matter...