The event will discuss the findings from the MWC report: ‘Mental health support in Scotland’s prisons 2021: under-served and under-resourced

MWC Mental health support in Scotland’s prisons webinar

This event will focus on the above report, published in April 2022, highlighting its key findings and recommendations, which aim to instigate positive change as a matter of urgency.

About this event:

The Mental Welfare Commission’s webinars are an opportunity to hear directly about our work in relation to themed reports, good practice guidance and other key issues we encounter through our visits and on our advice line.

In April 2022, the Commission published ‘Mental health support in Scotland’s prisons 2021: under-served and under-resourced’. The webinar will outline why this work was undertaken by the Commission, the approach taken, what was expected and what was found.

This event is targeted at the following key groups:

• Scottish Prison Service workforce


• Social Work, particularly criminal justice

• Families and carers affected by imprisonment

• Commissioners and managers of both SPS and NHS service

• Third sector and voluntary organisations working in the field of criminal justice

• Professionals and organisations that work across the criminal justice system

About the Mental Welfare Commission

Originally set up in 1960 under the Mental Health Act, the duties of the Mental Welfare Commission (MWC) for Scotland are set out in current mental health and incapacity law. We protect and promote the human rights of people with mental illness, learning disabilities, dementia and related conditions.

We carry out these duties by focussing on five main areas of work.

They are:

• visiting people

• monitoring the Acts

• investigations

• information and advice

• influencing and challenging