Unintentional Harm & Injury: Is Prevention Better Than Cure?

by Kevin Chase, National Development Officer The famous line used by those involved in preventative work.  The origin of the phrase is not certain, however it is mainly attributed to Dutch philosopher Desiderius Erasmus, some 500 years earlier around 1500. An organisation as reputable as the Royal College of Nursing describes prevention as the fundamental...

What we say, and how we say it matters to our safety

by Lorraine Gillies, CEO of the The SCSN Originally published in 1919 Magazine I’m the Chef Executive Officer of the Scottish Community Safety Network (SCSN). Ours is a vital organisation, working in the background to support Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) and others tasked with keeping you, me, and our communities safe.  We need your help...

Three reasons why cyber security awareness is important for everyone

Guest blog by Leo Clarke Consulting In the digital age, cyber security has become a household term. With the increasing dependence on technology, both in personal and professional spaces, the threat of cyber attacks has grown exponentially. In the corporate world, data breaches can do significant and even irreparable damage to a firm’s reputation. In...

A Day with Dr Gabor Mate: ACE Aware Nation Conference

by David Barbour, SCSN Communications Officer On Saturday 30th of September I was privileged to attend the ACE Aware Nation Conference where for the second time in four years, the guest of honour and keynote speaker was the world-renowned expert on trauma, addiction and childhood development – Dr Gabor Mate. You may have attended or...

Why ‘why?’ is the new ‘so what?’

by Lorraine Gillies, SCSN Chief Officer For something to be really measured by an outcomes approach, the words ‘so what’ will come up time after time.  Insert organisation name held 10 events last year – so what?!  You know what I mean. We were so what-ed of our heads!  Rightly so, no one wants to be...

Safer Drug Consumption Rooms: Bringing Communities with Us

by David Barbour, SCSN Communications Officer Finally, after years of campaigning by many organisations and individuals – it looks like a safer drug consumption room will soon open in Scotland. Following a decision from the Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain that she would be willing to issue guidance that it would not be in the public...

Latest Blog: Accessibility, Adaptability & Usability of Scotland’s Homes Consultation

by Kevin Chase, SCSN National Development Officer and Home Safety Scotland Forum Convener So, it has finally arrived.  The Scottish Government has announced the consultation for home adaptations and home use, or to give the consultation the full title, “Enhancing the Accessibility, Adaptability and Usability of Scotland’s Homes”.  You may know the consultation by another...

Why the SCSN strongly supports the new drug policy proposals

By David Barbour, SCSN Communications Officer Last week, the Scottish Government published a new policy on tackling drug deaths and wider drug related harms in Scotland. These included proposals for safer drug consumption rooms, decriminalisation of possession and exploration of regulating drug markets. Our role is to take an evidence-based approach to building safer communities...