Road Safety Scotland has worked in partnership with Good Egg Safety (GES) for some time and this collaboration has led to a significant improvement in awareness of child in-car safety across Scotland.  However, there remains a very small number of experts across the country and, to this end, we have funded places on a new two-day training course being run by GES in Edinburgh.

The course provides CPD accreditation and approved certification on completion, and the results and feedback from previous courses have been outstanding.  Ultimately, the aim is to reduce avoidable child in-vehicle casualties on Scotland’s roads, and this training provides a unique opportunity to be trained to the highest standard and promote child seat safety locally.

There are two scheduled courses, with several places still available on each.  In order to make these as cost-effective as possible, we would be keen to fill all these places.  The courses are on:

24-25 October

21-22 November 

The venue is GTG Training, near Newbridge on the outskirts of Edinburgh.  If you are interested, please get in touch directly with Doug at GES: