We’ve compiled two useful new Briefing Papers for those in the Community Safety Sector which we are publishing together today.

The Cost of Living Crisis is impacting the whole country, with those who previously felt comfortable beginning to feel it’s effects. In Scotland, we’re seeing a range of impacts on areas of community safety policy and practice, many posing a real risk to public safety and health.

Our new Cost of Living and Community Safety Briefing Paper examines this in greater depth.

The Scottish Government also recently published it’s Programme for Government 2022-23, with many legislative proposals of relevance to community safety – and including measures to tackle the cost of living crisis.

Check out our Programme for Government 2022-23 Briefing Paper for a summary & discussion of its implications.

You can view these Briefing Papers and all previous SCSN Briefing Papers at https://www.safercommunitiesscotland.org//publications-overview/briefing-papers/