Our Privacy Policy
Safercommuntiesscotland.org takes your privacy seriously. You do not need to provide us with any information about yourself and we will never share your information with any third parties.
Cookies are small text files that exist in your computer to help websites recognise you as a previous visitor and store some of your preferences. SaferCommuntiesScotland.org requires cookies and they are used to recognise you as a previous visitor and in the operation of the website.

Website logs are standard across all websites and record each request for information that is processed by the website server. SaferCommuntiesScotland.org uses log files to record some basic information about activity on the website and we analyse this to get a picture of our levels of traffic.

Safercommuntiesscotland.org also uses the Google Analytics service. This service users cookies and runs scripts on each page to collate statistics on site use which are sent to Google’s servers for analysis. This tool helps us to gain a better understanding of how our website is used which will guide future development and ultimately make for a better experience for you.