In 2019 the Scottish Community Safety Network (SCSN) commissioned a piece of work to review Public Space Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) in Scotland. The research project reviews the current landscape for Public Space CCTV across Scotland and identifies some future opportunities in terms of Community Safety outcomes. COSLA, Scottish Government, Police Scotland and Neighbourhood Watch Scotland are all parties of interest in this work and comprise the project advisory board.
Today we are pleased to publish two reports on the Current landscape and future opportunities for CCTV in Scotland: an Executive commentary and a Summary report. These reports have been shared with the project advisory board members, COSLA, Scottish Government, Police Scotland, Neighbourhood Watch Scotland and the Scottish Community Safety Network; all research participants and Local Authority Chief Executives. SCSN have also shared the reports with our members and Community safety lead officers.
The findings in the report will be of no surprise to people working in the CCTV sector, but this review brings together for the first time the current landscape and considers the future opportunities for CCTV in Scotland. This review is offered as a starter for a conversation about what the future might be for CCTV in Scotland and highlights some key considerations on this topic. It builds upon the 2011 Strategy for CCTV in Scotland. It does not make, nor did it ever seek to make judgement on current arrangements or recommendations on what should happen next. In bringing together a current picture of CCTV in Scotland. We hope this review will help Local Authorities, Police Scotland and other partners in their collective local discussions and decisions. We trust this review will also be helpful to enable and support any national discussions that take place between relevant partners.
The SCSN would like to extend its thanks to all of the individuals and organisations that took the time to participate in this research. In particular we’d like to express our thanks given the tight timescales for the initial research, and for your patience during the time between research and publication. We’d also like to give thanks to the commitment from the members of the Project Advisory Board and their organisations (COSLA, Scottish Government, Police Scotland, Neighbourhood Watch Scotland, and Fife Council) to supporting this research. Thanks also to the Perform Green team who undertook the research.
View the Perform Green Summary Report here.
Read the SCSN Executive Commentary here.
If you have any further questions, please get in touch at