Prevention of ASB and underage and binge drinking in young people through the diversionary and educational activity of pigeon racing.
East Dunbartonshire Off-sales Initiative
Initiative to reduce underage drinking through the provision of diversionary activities, the promotion of responsible sales practices within off-licences and the education of adults acting as purchasers of alcohol for young people.
East Renfrewshire Domestic Noise Wardens Service
Provision of a 24 hour domestic noise service through a Domestic Noise Wardens system run from the CCTV control room.
Edinburgh Safer Neighbourhood Teams
Establishment of Safer Neighbourhood Teams (SNTs) in Edinburgh and the development of an 8 stage community engagement model to provide a framework for community based policing.
The Fife Equally Well test site focuses on reducing the underlying causes and outcomes of ASB, specifically alcohol consumption amongst young people. The test site seeks to refocus and reconfigure partner agencies towards the most deprived areas.
Development of a partnership model for delivering services to older people and vulnerable people and families in relation to safety and security in the home.
Framework for sharing and analysing data, identifying monthly priorities and recommending alternative strategies for tactical response.
Initiative utilising a combination of awareness raising, preventative measures and the empowerment of older people and children to deter travelling criminals and local opportunists.
Project to transform a vandalised underpass into a well lit, safe area through the collaboration with the local community, local police and school children.
The use of bi-annual Ward Forums using a variety of formats (world café, Dragons Den etc.) to engage with communities and stakeholders to identify priority issues.
Development of a radio communication network between door stewards in Glasgow City Centre and the Police to allow information dissemination and rapid response to potential hotspot areas.
Hamilton Safer Streets Initiative
Partnership based initiative to prioritise alcohol related disorder, drink/drug offences and violent crime using a mix of high profile policing, diversionary activities, use of CCTV and taxi marshalling.
Creation of a localised project team between Housing Davison, Tayside Police and Joint Service Team to tackle a hotspot area for crime, vandalism and ASB through community engagement and joined up working.
Inverclyde Intergenerational Project
Initiative to run activities for young and older people to increase community cohesion and reduce ASB.
Re-launch of Neighbourhood Watch Schemes to encourage local residents to work together to keep their communities safe.
Diversionary and disciplinary programme for youths aged 14-17 with a history of ASB and offending to create an understanding of the impact of their behaviour, to develop citizenship skills and aid their personal development.
North Ayrshire Home Security Project
Project to provide practical support in relation to home security measures including security lighting, additional locks etc. The project was initially set up to deal with rising levels of domestic abuse and has been rolled out further to incorporate the prevention and detection of racial abuse.
North Ayrshire Multi-agency Problem-solving Group
Creation of a Multi-Agency Problem Solving Group to promote the sharing of information and intelligence in order to target hot spots and problem areas.
Outer Hebrides Visitor Safety Initiative – Update October 2011
Initiative to have an intelligence led intervention programme to promote safety awareness to the tourist visitors to the Outer Hebrides.
Pathhead Problem Solving Profile
Police led initiative to tackle ASB and increase local people’s confidence in the police through community engagement, improved police communication and redevelopment and the regeneration of the village hall.
Development of the SafeBase project to provide a sheltered facility for people feeling unsafe or vulnerable whilst out at night in Stirling between 10pm and 2am and to provide drug and alcohol counselling and first aid if required.
This report presents the findings of an evaluation of The Stirling Community Planning Partnership’s SafeBase09 initiative. The SafeBase09 initiative ran in November and December 2009 in Stirling City Centre, and was targeted at enhancing community safety, reducing anti-social behaviour and reducing perceptions of vulnerability for those in the City Centre.
Safer Streets – Domestic Abuse
Two month Safer Streets – Domestic Abuse Pilot involving referrals from partner organisations to provide immediate response to victims of domestic abuse within 24 hours of it being reported to the police.
‘See Off Scams’ is an ongoing awareness-raising intervention led by Dundee Community Safety Partnership which was launched in August 2010.
The use of the Show Racism the Red Card brand and initiatives in conjunction with St Johnstone FC to promote the anti-racism message to young people as a core early intervention model.
South Lanarkshire Active Schools Pilot Project
Educational project with diversionary activities set up by Network Rail and SportScotland to reduce railway crime. Active Schools initiative provides physical activity opportunities in schools and the No Messin’ campaign is focussed on railway safety and draws young people from ASB into local clubs and diversionary activities.
Provision of mobile diversionary activities including youth activity bus, football pitches, skate parks, DJ workshops and gym sessions in order to reduce ASB and violence.
Victim Impact and Perpetrator Vulnerability Procedure
Formalisation of a partnership between Antisocial Behaviour Investigation Team and Social Services to create a Victim and Perpetrator Vulnerability Procedure to identify and support people experiencing and committing ASB.