Legal Highs – Mid Galloway Youth Production
In July 2012, Dumfries and Galloway Council noted that legal highs were becoming an increasing problem. In a bid to tackle this, Community Learning and Development (CLD), in partnership with other community safety partners, planned and implemented a project that aimed to support a group of young people to research a piece of work on the topic of legal highs and to use the evidence gathered to produce an informative media resource that could be used to raise awareness of the dangers of legal highs.
The use of Police Local Integration Officers to deliver community safety to young people though programmes tailored within the curriculum for excellence and diversionary activities.
Launched in 2010, Venture Trusts Next Steps programme aims to support women of all ages who have been involved in the criminal justice system, and helps them to reduce their risk of re-offending and move towards a positive destination in employment, education, training or volunteering. This was achieved through delivery of a wilderness-based personal development programme.
No Knives, Better Lives (NKBL) is Scottish Government initiative launched in 2009 and has been working with a range of local partners to educate young people about the dangers and consequences of carrying knives and promote positive life choices to young people. As part of this, a peer education programme was developed by Fast Forward in conjunction with local practitioners. The programme supports young people to deliver interactive and relevant anti-violence education to their peers.
Older People’s Stay Safe Project
A survey undertaken with 350 people from the over fifty age group in The Highlands indicated that they were lacking information and education on personal safety within their homes and communities, and also on signposting to services available for older people. This led to the creation of a peer speaking programme, initially within the Inverness area, which delivered talks in various settings to this age group on doorstep safety, scams and falls prevention.
Running since early 2005, Reckless Driving Wrecks Lives (RDWL) is a pan-Ayrshire educational programme which aims to raise awareness and increase knowledge of road safety issues in those young people who are about to embark on learning to drive, and their potential passengers.
Running since 2002, ‘Safe Drive Stay Alive’ is a Fife-wide annual road safety event which aims to increase young drivers’ awareness of safe driving practice and the potential consequences of poor practices on the road. Its main objectives are to raise awareness around speeding and bad driving habits, change attitudes and ultimately reduce casualty numbers.
In a bid to reach people under the age of 30 years with important messages that would enable them to keep safe on nights out in Aberdeen City, the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) decided on a novel approach. Using a multi-agency approach they designed and implemented a Smartphone App for Android and Apple phones. The App included important safety messages such as information and links to keep safe on nights out, use of the safe transport route and guiding people to the taxi marshals.